Augmented Reality App
What does it mean to have ownership over my familial legacy in Hawaii? Moreover, how does augmented reality serve to archive space and memory?
These were some of the questions I asked myself when I was triggered watching the series White Lotus. I kept wondering: How can I reclaim my attachment to a place that was the home to generations of my family?
1705 E Vineyard Street is the address of my Grandmother’s home in Hawaii, a place that is no longer in my family’s possession. I used a combination of Google street view images to recreate a 3D digital model of the house.
This augmented reality app will enable viewers to experience spatial audio to immerse themselves in the history of Hawaii’s imperial conquest and romantic notions of the past. The audio is from a 1911 recording of the Hawaiian farewell song “Aloha ‘Oe” (“Farewell to Thee”) written by the last reigning member of Hawaiian royalty, Queen Lili’uokalani. The song alludes to the despair of losing something beloved, one's homeland and displacement. In addition, the filter used within the AR scene creates an archival feel of the real time experience, while simultaneously combining the past and present.
Big thanks to developer Joseph Moreno for helping me actualize this project!